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Memorials & Environmental Legacies

Digital Memorials

Create a celebration of life–your loved one's or your own–seen through a multimedia presentation that’s as engaging, impactful and dynamic as the person it represents.

Land Memorials

Create an environmentally conscious and sustainable legacy by conserving acres of land, reforestation and tree planting projects, protecting habitat corridors and migration routes.

Stone Memorials

Custom fine art memorials from stone, bronze, glass and more—unique, multi-faceted, and perfectly reflecting the essence of who they are.



Immortalize a Life Story

digitalandstone Gift Cards

QR Code Plaques & Digital Memorials

This durable QR Code plaque includes a subscription or lifetime* Tree of Life Digital Memorial, where you can create your Legacy and give the gift of your life story to those you love, leaving them with a "sacred place" in digital form to stay connected always.

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